P3: Iteration 1 Demo

P3: Iteration 1 Demo #

Feb 12 in class

The content on this page is tentative. We will review this milestone in class and agree on its content on Feb 03.

By iteration 1, you should have at least 2 weeks of active development. Your primary goals at this point include:

  • If you have modified your project requirements since project proposal, clarify the changes;
  • Setup a working development environment that allows you to build and debug your app;
  • Implement some basic features (e.g., welcome screen, login);
  • Sketch out the architecture of your app; you should have a high-level component diagram and initialize the packages/classes structure;
  • Address any feedback on your project proposal.

Demonstration Format #

You will meet with the TA assigned to your team in the Feb 12 (Wed) class.

  • Due to large number of teams, the demonstration will be strictly limited to 10 minutes.
    • You are responsible to cover your presentations of all the iteration goals in this time.
    • You should come to the demo session prepared, e.g., have Android Studio and Emulator/Phone opened and ready to run.
  • The ordering of the demo slots in each section will be drawn randomly by Jan 31 and announced through Learn.
  • The TA may ask additional clarification questions and will provide oral feedback on your demo. You are responsible to document the feedback and plan to address it in the next iteration.

The demo session is NOT a time for you to ask questions! You should ask them on Piazza, by emails, or by scheduling a separate office hour with TA/instructor. If you anticipate any question that needs to be resolved to complete your demo, please ask them way before the demo day.